
Hi, my name is Faith. I am a designer, multimedia artist, animator, and videographer based in Reading Pennsylvania. No matter what form the project takes, I want to take the fantastical, beautiful, and horrifying elements of life and represent them in a new experience. I wish to express messages of mental health, identity, self-expression, queer identity, religious and non-religious spirituality, consciousness, our relationship with nature, and the sublime. After I steal these ideas and forms from elements in my life and the world around me, I fantasize them, in order to display the beauty or absurdity to the public eye. Moments from my early childhood continue to inspire me. As a child, I valued my imagination because it was a great source of escapism. Even after my childhood, I often used these imaginary characteristics in my artwork with certain subjects and styles to continue this fantasy world. I feel that people need a bit of escapism in their lives, and I hope my artwork can provide that. Recently, researching social issues has inspired me to connect and understand the world in a deeper and more meaningful way. I like to make art that sparks conversation and discussion. 

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